Habitar la biblioteca
ed. Andrea Reed-Leal, Máquina de Aplausos
Habitar la biblioteca explores the place of books and knowledge in intimate spaces. Fourteen women –artists, booksellers, writers, and curators– reflect on their books and libraries.
A central part of this project is to evidence the interrelation and economy of the infinite exchange within libraries. Knowledge is continuously exchanged in homes, with friends, and institutions. It is not only in public libraries where books are found and acquired, but also, above all, through personal collections that collective networks are formed. This publication is also an ode to books and to the written word.
«We envision our libraries as creative, vulnerable, open, and constantly evolving spaces. They consist of the fluidity of knowledge, unfinished circulation, objects that come and go or disappear; they are tentacular spaces: their arms extend through time, between subjectivities, and towards different geographies.» Andrea Reed-Leal
Published by Biblioteca Revelaciones
Texts by Erandi Adame, Fernanda Aránguiz M., Javiera Barrientos, Clara Bolívar, Fernanda Escalera Zambrano, Sol Henaro, Gwennhael Huesca Reyes, Patricia Lagarde, Valeria Mata, Aleida Pardo Hernández, Catalina Pérez, Alejandra R. Bolaños, Sandra Sánchez, Isabel Zapata
Designed by Proyectos Ninguém
227 x 155 mm
Softcover box, mixed format
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